Saturday, July 24, 2010

Bird Watching (Balcony)

Location: Balcony, Kaggadaspura, CVRamanNagar

Birds Spotted
Brahminy Kite (adult & Juvenile): Around 48cms.Very commonly seen. The adult and juvenile looks different. The adult has white and brown combination. The Juvenile looks plain brown with spotted wings

Asian Koel (male): Not very easy to spot as it hides behind foliage. The shrill voice will help you locate it. The 'Koo' call is made during the breeding season.

White Throated Kingfisher: Colorful bird, generally feeds on insects and fish. Can sit patiently for food for hours at one place.

Black Drongo:28cm. Mostly seen sitting on electric poles and wires. Feeds on insects. Watch the 'V' in tail.

Spotted Dove
:30cm. Commonly found. Watch for the black-white spotted patch on neck.

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